The Greatest Showman
Replicating Film Character Costumes X 50
The Greatest Showman
The magic under the circus big top begins with the familiar invitation, “Come One, Come All.” In 2017, costumes designed for Hugh Jackman, Zac Efron, Michelle Williams, Rebecca Ferguson, and Zendaya invited prospective moviegoers into the world of P.T. Barnum and The Greatest Showman. The five costumes were on display in twenty-eight countries, across five continents, in the weeks leading up to the film’s premier. How were the same costumes in so many places at one time? This amazing feat was made possible by an innovative collaboration between Global Garment Engineering (“GGE”), Gerber Technology and Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation (“Fox”).

One-to-One to Fifty
In May of 2017, GGE and Gerber Technology reverse engineered the original costumes worn in the film to create two dimensional patterns. Creating patterns from the original costumes ensured reproductions were the exact size and shape of the originals, making them one-to-one clones of what is seen in the film. As patterns were being developed, GGE was also busy sourcing fabrics, buttons, and trims. In film and television, costumes are made in limited quantities with materials purchased through local retailers. To meet the request for fifty replicas of each look, GGE found the original materials, then worked with global wholesalers and manufacturers across three continents to procure the quantities needed for a successful delivery. This operation required the advanced knowledge of design, technology, global supply-chain, costume, and apparel that has made Global Garment Engineering a trusted partner for garment production and replication.
"Clothes make the man. naked people have little or no influence in society."
- Mark Twain
Our Work

Connecting Industries

Producing fifty garments that are exactly the same is not a typical ask of the world’s costumers. In costume, garments are made one-by-one so fifty units can be a challenge. In contrast, the apparel industry manufacturers focus on large quantities. GGE worked with a network of manufacturers and specialists to cut, sew, and finish the 700 garments needed to complete fifty sets of replicas. Each garment was produced by the best manufacturer for the garment type. GGE oversaw production at multiple facilities and supported the success of each maker. In August 2017, Twentieth Century Fox accepted delivery of one-hundred lined jackets with custom gold dipped buttons and military braid; fifty embroidered ball gowns; fifty Swarovski crystal covered leotards; fifty chiffon dancing dresses and hundreds of other articles to complete their May order.

Audiences all over the world celebrated The Greatest Showman, making the film a noteworthy success. Featuring breathtaking replicas in the Bloomingdales holiday window display in New York, inside of Paris’ historic Galleries Lafayette and other international venues was a “Come One, Come All” invitation moviegoers could not ignore. These grand and inviting displays were made possible thanks to the quality services provided by Global Garment Engineering and its inspiring network of international partners.

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